Welcome To RivieraConvertibles.com, the Buick Riviera Convertible Web Site and Registry! 

This website is dedicated to the History and Registry of the 1982 through 1985 Buick Riviera Convertible.

It is designed to display, register, and share information about these very special automobiles. Contained on this site are pictures of Buick Rivera Convertibles, seldom seen documents, in-period Press Releases, Pictures, Technical Data, Production Figures and the Official Registry. There were 3898 Convertibles produced over a 4 year period between 1982 and 1985. I hope to identify and locate as many of the remaining  1982 - 1985 Buick Rivera Convertibles as possible. 

Please help me achieve this goal by sending me the information on your car and about any others you may know of. 

To fully enjoy and navigate this site, please use the click-able links at the top of each page for more pictures and information.